5. Sınıf İngilizce 9. Ünite The Animal Shelter Kazanım Testi Çöz
5. Sınıf İngilizce The Animal Shelter Testi Çöz
Kategori: 5. Sınıf İngilizce Testleri
Soru Sayısı: 12
Eklenme Tarihi: 17/11/2020
Test Hakkında: 5. Sınıf İngilizce The Animal Shelter Testi Çöz
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Tebrikler 5. Sınıf İngilizce The Animal Shelter Testi Çöz adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Soru Sayısı: %%TOTAL%%
Doğru Sayısı: %%SCORE%%
Yanlış Sayısı: %%WRONG_ANSWERS%%
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Doğru Sayısı: %%SCORE%%
Yanlış Sayısı: %%WRONG_ANSWERS%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |

Be quiet, please! - - - -.
A | Children are watching the puppies |
B | The kittens are sleeping |
C | The sheep are eating some grass |
D | I am talking to the vet |
Soru 2 |

Steve is at an animal shelter. He’s - - - -.
A | watching the puppies |
B | a famous doctor |
C | feeding the animals |
D | a brave boy |
Soru 3 |

Helen is - - - -. She is taking photos.
A | on a farm |
B | at the animal shelter |
C | at the aquarium |
D | in the pool |
Soru 4 |
Andrew : - - - -?
April : It is sitting on the grass.
April : It is sitting on the grass.
A | Which animals do you like |
B | What can an elephant do |
C | How many animals are there |
D | What is the duck doing |
Soru 5 |
Children : Can we play with the puppy?
Mum : Not right now. Wait please. - - - -.
Mum : Not right now. Wait please. - - - -.
A | It’s drinking milk now |
B | I must collect the eggs |
C | We can adopt a cat |
D | It is flying over the house |
Soru 6 |

A | Can it swim in the sea |
B | Can I feed the rabbit |
C | Can I examine it |
D | Can it fly in the sky |
Soru 7 |
It is a pet. It helps people and it barks. Which animal
is it?
A | A horse |
B | A bird |
C | A dog |
D | A cat |
Soru 8 |
Jack and his family are on the farm today. (I) Jack is
watering the vegetables. (II) His father, Mark is cleaning
the barn. (III) His mother, Melinda is milking the sheep.
(IV) His little sister, Donna is adopting a homeless animal.
Verilen metinde anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümlenin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Verilen metinde anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümlenin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
Soru 9 |
Aşağıda verilen cümleyi ifade eden görselin
bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Michael is riding a horse.

Michael is riding a horse.

A | I. |
B | II. |
C | III. |
D | IV. |
Soru 10 |
Aşağıda verilen cümleyi ifade eden görselin
bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Sarah is milking the sheep.

Sarah is milking the sheep.

A | I. |
B | II. |
C | III. |
D | IV. |
Soru 11 |
Soruların doğru cevabını verilen metne göre
There are a lot of animals at the shelter. The puppies are playing with a ball and a kitten is climbing the tree. There are some birds on the grass. They are eating some seed. There are also two rabbits. A girl is feeding one of them. There is a vet at the shelter. He is examining the horses.
- - - - are eating some seed.
There are a lot of animals at the shelter. The puppies are playing with a ball and a kitten is climbing the tree. There are some birds on the grass. They are eating some seed. There are also two rabbits. A girl is feeding one of them. There is a vet at the shelter. He is examining the horses.
- - - - are eating some seed.
A | The puppies |
B | The birds |
C | The horses |
D | The rabbits |
Soru 12 |
Soruların doğru cevabını verilen metne göre
There are a lot of animals at the shelter. The puppies are playing with a ball and a kitten is climbing the tree. There are some birds on the grass. They are eating some seed. There are also two rabbits. A girl is feeding one of them. There is a vet at the shelter. He is examining the horses.
What is the vet doing?
There are a lot of animals at the shelter. The puppies are playing with a ball and a kitten is climbing the tree. There are some birds on the grass. They are eating some seed. There are also two rabbits. A girl is feeding one of them. There is a vet at the shelter. He is examining the horses.
What is the vet doing?
A | He’s examining the horses. |
B | He’s feeding the rabbits. |
C | He’s playing with a ball. |
D |
He’s climbing a tree. |
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